What are instagram features?

We get your business noticed by organic and potential clientele by posting your business on our instagram page. Our approach is very fine-tuned because we understand what it takes to build and grow brands. Our instagram has near 10,000 followers and we take an approach that is simple and very effective.

We are exploring this organic approach to help small businesses bring brand awareness. We reach 40k monthly instagram pages and would love to help you be apart of brand expansion.

Instagram Success:

Above is a picture of some of our instagram’s performance metrics. We make sure with every instagram feature to include an ad directed towards each client’s target market.

Our instagram account is growing daily and we’d love to have you be a part of our brand expansion together.

Price range for instagram features range from $50-$199

Please be informed that each instagram feature we require that photos and/or video content must be of high resolution and professionally presentable.

Videos must be in an aspect ratio format of: (1080x1920px), and Instagram photos in an aspect ratio format of (1080x1350px). Please note that we have designers and videographers that can help create content if these services are needed.


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